
          To provide you with solutions to meet your needs.
          Relying on our core technology, expertise and skills, Qingyan is committed to bringing the greatest value to the market and developing innovative and competitive chemical solutions for customers in a wide range of industries
          ■ LCP       ■ PSU PES PPSU       ■ PEEK       ■ PPS      


                Liquid crystal polymer (LCP): liquid crystal polymer is a kind of special engineering plastics with excellent performance. It is liquid crystal in the process of heating up, and various products can be formed by injection and other hot processing in the melting state. LCP has the characteristics of high strength, high modulus, high temperature resistance, low moisture absorption, good dielectricity, high flame resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, low linear expansion coefficient, high dimensional precision and dimensional stability. It is mainly used in the fields of electronics, aerospace and medical machinery.



          Copyright © 2019  Nanjing Qingyan polymer new material Co., Ltd.   網(wǎng)站備案/許可證號:蘇ICP備2021051467號-1
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