
          ABOUT US
          ABOUT US
              Nanjing Qingyan polymer new material Co., Ltd. is a special engineering plastics R & D and production company led by Nanjing Qingyan New Material Research Institute Co., Ltd. the goal of the company is to solve the key technology of domestic special engineering plastics development. Business scope: manufacturing and sales of high performance membrane materials and polymer composite materials; sales of plastic raw materials and plastic auxiliary materials.

              Nanjing Qingyan new polymer material Co., Ltd. has gathered top talents in the field of polymer materials. Its core team is mainly composed of senior R & D personnel of Nanjing Qingyan New Material Research Institute and experienced technical and management personnel in the production of special engineering plastics industry. At the same time, it has a good cooperation relationship with famous universities such as Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Tianjin Normal University, etc., timely exchange and discuss the latest research and development results of special engineering plastics, and apply the latest key technologies and production processes to the industrialization of special engineering plastics.

              The company focuses on breaking through industrial commonness and key technologies in the field of high-performance polymer material technology, focusing on industrial technology application research and integrated innovation, and promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The companys development goal is to form new technologies and processes with independent intellectual property rights, strong profitability and broad market prospects, so as to drive the industrialization of domestic special engineering plastics and high-performance membrane materials, as well as the development and upgrading of downstream related industries, so as to fill the domestic gap or replace imported products.
          Copyright © 2019  Nanjing Qingyan polymer new material Co., Ltd.   網(wǎng)站備案/許可證號:蘇ICP備2021051467號-1
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